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Customize styles

Here is a short guide how you can change the styles in enhavo admin.

Add custom style file

You can import a custom style file at the top of your entrypoint. Just add your import statement at the end all other imports. In this example we add style in assets/enhavo/styles/custom.scss

// assets/enhavo/main.ts

import Application from "@enhavo/app/Main/MainApplication";
import ViewRegistryPackage from "./registry/view";
// ... other imports
import "./styles/custom.scss"

// ...

Customize variables

To edit some of the variables in the enhavo admin. Just add a file assets/enhavo/styles/custom-vars.scss and change the var values.

The defaults vars are:

$fontFamily:"IBM Plex Sans";
$fontFamily2:"IBM Plex Sans Condensed";
$black: #1c353b;