Dynamic routing
The EnhavoRoutingBundle
is used to add optional dynamic routing for the resources, so user are able to enter their own url. If you want to generate a url path and the static routing can't fit your needs (e.g. nested paths) you may go for dynamic routing as well.
This following example will show you how to add a url field to your entity and how you map it to a controller action.
First we need to tell our application that an entity has a oneToOne
relation to a route.
cascade: ['persist', 'refresh', 'remove']
targetEntity: Enhavo\Bundle\RoutingBundle\Model\RouteInterface
onDelete: CASCADE
Or if you use annotations
* @var RouteInterface
* @ORM\OneToOne (targetEntity="Enhavo\Bundle\RoutingBundle\Model\RouteInterface", cascade={"persist", "remove", "refresh"})
* @ORM\JoinColumn (onDelete="CASCADE")
private $route;
Implement the Routeable
interface for your class.
use Enhavo\Bundle\RoutingBundle\Model\Routeable;
use Enhavo\Bundle\RoutingBundle\Model\RouteInterface;
class Page implements Routeable
* @var RouteInterface
private $route;
* @return RouteInterface
public function getRoute()
return $this->route;
* @param RouteInterface $route
public function setRoute(RouteInterface $route)
$this->route = $route;
To add an url field in our form we just use the RouteType
use Enhavo\Bundle\RoutingBundle\Form\Type\RouteType;
// ...
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
$builder->add('route', RouteType::class);
// ...
If you render your form manually, you shouln't forget to add it in your template file.
{{ form_row(form.route) }}
If you use the form in the enhavo admin, no further steps are required, because enhavo will take care to call the Generator
and routines to update the route properly.
And last but not least, we have to define our controller, and add some mapping information to the SymfonyCMF RoutingBundle
which is used by the EnhavoRoutingBundle
. The mapping contains the class name of our entity and the controller action which should be called.
App\Entity\Page: App\Controller\PageController:showAction
Add the action to your controller. The parameter must named $contentDocument
and will be your entity.
class PageController
public function showAction(Page $contentDocument)
return $this->render('page/show.html.twig', [
'page' => $contentDocument
Add controller information to route
Like in static routes, it is also possible to save the linked controller to the route itself. You can write a Generator
and store the information
'_controller' => 'App\Controller\PageController:showAction'