View guide
Create action view
<div class="app-view">
<view-view v-bind:data="view"></view-view>
<action-bar v-bind:primary="actions"></action-bar>
<script lang="ts">
import { Vue, Component, Prop } from "vue-property-decorator";
import ActionBar from "@enhavo/app/Action/Components/ActionBar.vue";
import '@enhavo/app/assets/styles/view.scss'
import ViewData from "@enhavo/app/View/ViewData";
import ViewComponent from "@enhavo/app/View/Components/ViewComponent";
components: {ActionBar, 'view-view': ViewComponent}
export default class AppView extends Vue {
name = 'app-view';
messages: Array<object>;
view: ViewData;
actions: Array<object>;
import DataLoader from '@enhavo/app/DataLoader';
import ActionManager from "@enhavo/app/Action/ActionManager";
import ViewApp from "@enhavo/app/ViewApp";
import EventDispatcher from "@enhavo/app/ViewStack/EventDispatcher";
import View from "@enhavo/app/View/View";
export default class StatsApp extends ViewApp
private actionManager: ActionManager;
constructor(loader: DataLoader, eventDispatcher: EventDispatcher, view: View, actionManager: ActionManager)
super(loader, eventDispatcher, view);
this.actionManager = actionManager;
import StatsApp from "@enhavo/newsletter/Stats/StatsApp";
import Application from "@enhavo/app/Application";
import AppInterface from "@enhavo/app/AppInterface";
import ActionAwareApplication from "@enhavo/app/Action/ActionAwareApplication";
export class StatsApplication extends Application implements ActionAwareApplication
public getApp(): AppInterface
if( == null) { = new StatsApp(this.getDataLoader(), this.getEventDispatcher(), this.getView(), this.getActionManager());
let application = new StatsApplication();
export default application;
Create view
import View from "@enhavo/app/View/View";
import EventDispatcher from "@enhavo/app/ViewStack/EventDispatcher";
import * as $ from "jquery";
let view = new View();
let eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher(view);
$(function() {
Customize styles
Here is a short guide how you can change the styles in enhavo admin.
Add custom style file
You can import a custom style file at the top of your entrypoint. Just add your import statement at the end all other imports. In this example we add style in assets/enhavo/styles/custom.scss
// assets/enhavo/main.ts
import Application from "@enhavo/app/Main/MainApplication";
import ViewRegistryPackage from "./registry/view";
// ... other imports
import "./styles/custom.scss"
// ...
Customize variables
To edit some of the variables in the enhavo admin. Just add a file assets/enhavo/styles/custom-vars.scss
and change the var values.
The defaults vars are:
$fontFamily:"IBM Plex Sans";
$fontFamily2:"IBM Plex Sans Condensed";
$black: #1c353b;
Overwrite application service
In some cases you want to add your own logic or replace the default one. If this logic is in a service that is loaded by the application, you can just overwrite this service and change it to your needs. Just follow these steps.
Create service
Create your own service and extend from the old one
// assets/enhavo/lib/MyView.ts
import View from '@enhavo/app/View';
export default class MyView extends View
// ... overwrite or add function
Create application
Create your application class and extend from the old. Just replace the services you want by overwriting the parent methods.
// assets/enhavo/lib/MyApplication.ts
import Application from "@enhavo/app/Application";
import MyView from "./MyView"
export default class MyApplication extends Application
public getView()
if(this.view == null) {
this.view = new MyView(this.getDataLoader().load()['view']);
return this.view;
Use application
Replace your the default application with your own one by changing the import statement
// assets/enhavo/view.ts
import Application from "./lib/MyApplication";