Media reference
Set a background color for the image. This is usefully for images with transparency.
Type | background |
Class | Enhavo\Bundle\MediaBundle\Filter\Filter\BackgroundFilter |
Options | format, color |
type: integer
Define the output format. That can be [jpg]{.title-ref}, [png]{.title-ref} and [gif]{.title-ref}.
type: integer
Set the background color for the image.
The image filter handle cut and resize for images.
Type | image |
Class | Enhavo\Bundle\MediaBundle\Filter\Filter\ImageFilter |
Options | width, height, max_width, max_height, format, jpeg_quality, png_compression_level, crop_width, crop_height, crop_x, crop_y |
type: integer
Define the width for the image, the image will be resize exactly to this size. It depends on the height and maxHeight option if the image will scaled.
type: integer
Define the height for the image, the image will be resize exactly to this size. It depends on the width and maxWidth option if the image will scaled.
type: integer
Define the max width for the image, the image will only be resize to the value if the max value is reached.
type: integer
Define the max height for the image, the image will only be resize to the value if the max value is reached.
type: [string]
The possible values are [inset]{.title-ref} and [outbound]{.title-ref}. The default value is [outbound]{.title-ref}. The mode is only used if width and height are set. If the image need to be scaled and the sizes are not fit, the [inset]{.title-ref} says that the image will be set into the new size and you will see the full picture, that means also that you have spaces on the edges. If you set the value to [outbound]{.title-ref} the picture will be cut on the edges and fit to the size.
type: string
Define the output format. That can be [jpg]{.title-ref}, [png]{.title-ref} and [gif]{.title-ref}. If no format is set, the format will be the same as the input image.
type: integer
Set the quality if the output format is jpg. The value can be between 1 and 100. The default value is 75.
type: integer
Set the compression level if the output format is png. The value can be between 1 and 9. The default value is 7.
type: integer
Set the width of the crop window.
type: integer
Set the height of the crop window.
type: integer
Set the x position of the crop window. 0 is the top of the image.
type: integer
Set the y position of the crop window. 0 is the left edge of the image.
Image blur
Blur image.
Type | image_blur |
Class | Enhavo\Bundle\MediaBundle\Filter\Filter\ImageBlur |
Image compression
Compress an image to optimize size without losing quality.
Type | image_compression |
Class | Enhavo\Bundle\MediaBundle\Filter\Filter\ImageCompressionFilter |
Image zoom
Zoom image.
Type | image_zoom |
Class | Enhavo\Bundle\MediaBundle\Filter\Filter\ImageZoomFilter |
Execute all filters from parent filter.
Type | parent |
Class | Enhavo\Bundle\MediaBundle\Filter\Filter\ParentFilter |
PDF image
Convert a pdf to an image. Mainly used for preview issues.
Type | pdf_image |
Class | Enhavo\Bundle\MediaBundle\Filter\Filter\PDFImageFilter |
Video image
Convert a video to an image. Mainly used for preview issues.
Type | video_image |
Class | Enhavo\Bundle\MediaBundle\Filter\Filter\VideoImageFilter |